How Big Is the Prospect of SS Home Furnishings?

After experiencing rapid development, customized home furnishing has established a mature business model, but it has also entered a stage of homogeneous competition.

Mainstream companies are trying to find ways to differentiate and compete, exploring new directions from multiple perspectives such as functions, materials, channels, and large homes. Among them, material plays an important entry point. Taking stainless steel home furnishing as an example, it is a track that is taken seriously. Customized homes made of this material have been developing in a low-key manner for many years.

Thanks to more than ten years of efforts in materials, design, technology and other aspects, as well as long-term market cultivation, the stainless steel home category consisting of cabinets, wardrobes, bathroom cabinets, balcony cabinets, etc. is indeed doing better and better. Key points There are some relatively strong companies that have the ability to further increase market penetration. Not only carry out continuous innovation in products and improve the reputation of consumers.


In the initial stage, stainless steel home products are mainly cabinets, which are mostly used in hotel kitchens, restaurant industries, etc. Only a small number of consumers who pursue high-cost performance and durability require purchase, and their influence on the retail side is not great.

For quite a long time, due to reasons such as low appearance, cold appearance, and single shape, stainless steel home products have been difficult to penetrate into households, so the entire market is not large.

Therefore, we currently see that many big-name cabinet and wardrobe and other customized brands are taking the wood route.

After a period of exploration, some brands introduced 304 stainless steel into cabinets to create a food-grade and environmentally friendly concept.

More importantly, we have done enough homework on design and appearance, launched a variety of customized product series with beautiful shapes, colors, and beautiful appearances. We have begun to focus on the home market, launched brand operations, and gradually achieved some new results.

On the one hand, we set out to improve production levels, introduce automated equipment, use new processes to improve surface effects, and make styles such as wood grain, stone grain, and cloth grain. We can also make a fuss about the styling to achieve diversification of styles and meet the needs of families. High requirements for appearance. The overall direction is to be on par with wooden cabinets in terms of appearance, design and appearance, while at the same time surpassing them in terms of durability, environmental protection, waterproof and moisture-proof properties. On the other hand, relevant standards have emerged in the industry. With standards that can be followed, product quality can be better guaranteed and the healthy development of the industry can be promoted. It also means that the product has been widely recognized. Like wooden cabinets, it has the potential to become a home consumption trends. It has been observed that stainless steel home furnishings are no longer limited to product innovation, but also seek to improve overall matching and home space effects, such as soft and soft furnishing art designs, which further expand the market for stainless steel home furnishings.


Objectively speaking, stainless steel furniture has evolved to this day and has its unique advantages, such as being environmentally friendly, healthy, durable, not afraid of water, not moldy, not deformed, insect-proof, etc.

Environmental protection and health are the most prominent advantages of stainless steel home products. Currently, many companies claim to use 304 stainless steel to meet food-grade standards.

At the same time, it does not contain formaldehyde, and the cabinets can come into contact with food, which can eliminate customers' worries about harmful substances such as formaldehyde. Environmentally friendly consumption is a key factor affecting current household consumption.

Durability is also a plus for stainless steel homes, and the warranty time is often longer than that of wooden cabinets. In addition, the use of one-piece molding technology ensures that there are no connections at the corners, leaving no sanitary dead corners, and also improves the aesthetics of the product.

In addition, the stainless steel package can undoubtedly better prevent long-term erosion of water stains, not to mention the problem of mold.

The increase in the proportion of finely decorated houses delivered is also a boon to stainless steel customized homes. Domestic hardcover delivery has reached about 32%, and the matching rate of cabinets and bathroom cabinets is very high, close to 100%; the matching rate of wardrobes is also increasing.

At present, wooden products occupy a dominant position, while stainless steel products are still in their infancy, and there is relatively large room for improvement in the future.

In terms of hardcover accessories, the advantages of stainless steel products are that they can further reduce costs and have higher delivery efficiency. There is no need to worry about moisture and mold, and it is less likely to cause problems during home delivery and inspection.

The current problem that needs to be solved is to continue to improve owners' recognition of stainless steel home products and the comprehensive quality of fine decoration accessories. Higher recognition on the retail side will help drive B-side purchases.


The development of multiple categories has been quite obvious. In the past, the focus was on stainless steel cabinets. In recent years, many brands have moved towards stainless steel wardrobes, balcony cabinets, bathroom cabinets and other products. Move from single category to multi-category, and realize the transformation from stainless steel integral cabinets to stainless steel whole house customization.

And it is integrating smart homes, equipping main products such as cabinets with smart technologies, and stepping into the trend of smart homes.

Although the current penetration rate of stainless steel home products is not high and the scope of application is relatively narrow, as major companies launch high-value products, provide a variety of colors and shapes, create scene solutions, and bring better user experience to families, then it is possible to attract more and more consumers to buy.

The stainless steel home furnishing market has the opportunity to break the original ceiling and achieve a new round of growth.

All of this is inseparable from the efforts of material upgrades, product design, scene experience, sales channels, delivery capabilities and other aspects, and can achieve greater improvements than before.

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