On the morning of November 12th, the wind was soft and gentle, and a group of people who knew how to play set out for spring in Conghua District, Guangzhou City. 

Along the way, everyone talked about every detail of this year’s work, the joys, sorrows and joys of life; your parents, my family, chatting and laughing, we arrived at the destination. That night, everyone stayed in a big villa, roasted whole lamb, set up a dragon gate array, sang karaoke, and exchanged cups. The understanding and support between colleagues in various departments increased a lot, which helped to achieve higher efficiency in future work.

On the second day at the Biquan Sky Hot Spring, colleagues put aside all their worries and soaked their bodies and minds in the hot spring with a moderate temperature, forgetting all their worries and eliminating all fatigue. After more than three minutes of soaking, the colleagues felt relaxed and energetic. They were more confident about the quality assurance of stainless steel surface processing, PVD coating, on-time delivery of orders, and after-sales service of products.

XTT stainless steel will not be afraid of fluctuations in the economic environment in 2023, and will surely overcome various challenges and work hard to reach a new level! As the banner says: XTT stainless steel, steel team, build dreams together.

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