Causes And Solutions For Stainless Steel Processing Deformation

Causes And Solutions For Stainless Steel Processing Deformation

Causes Of Stainless Steel Processing Deformation  Influence of material properties Stainless steel material has high strength and hardness. At the same time, its elongation and plasticity are low, and it is easily affected by processing forces and deforms.  Improper operation of processing technology During the processing, if you do not understand the processing technology or operate it improperly, it will easily lead to stainless steel processing deformation. For example, factors such as unreasonable cutting angles during processing and excessive cutting force during cutting will affect the accuracy and stability of the shape of the workpiece.  Influence of external environment When processing stainless steel, it is necessary to control external environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and air flow. The influence of the external environment on the material can also cause stainless steel processing deformation.